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any pronouns ; minor black+latina ; gemini intp
music, reading, playing trombone and saxophone, doom eternal, and my friends!
bugs, pick me girls/guys, lag (smfh), and rude ppl
byf: i cuss a lot and say slurs (that i can claim ofc), i make offensive jokes and tend to make fun of ppl as a joke, and i make kys/kms jokes
dni: ur sensitive and cant take a joke, u support racism, ableism, or js a shitty person in general, u anti any of my ults, or if u like dsmp.
ults: nirvana, deftones, weezer, korn, wren, tyler,the creator, lana del rey, sza, childish gambino, and anzyeity
semis: axxturel, odetari, jnhygs, kkamiistar, slipknot, superheaven, kittie, and summer walker
casuals: alex vaughn, ariana grande, nicki minaj, rihanna, kanye west, kanii, brent faiyaz, keltiey, and frank ocean